Monday, May 28, 2007

When summer finally hits here in Vermont

It's soooooo good !

The rich green colors of the moutains and the thick green grass. Life just can't be any better...
Well, maybe if you are under 6 years old it would be..
You stay in your bathing suit all day, you have fudgcile or popsicle residue all over your face, you always have wet hair from swimming and you have the dirtiest feet in the neighborhood. In fact you havn't even seen your shoes in weeks !
Oh yeah...don't forget the bug bites....the big bug bites that make your Mother cover you in calamine lotion at night so you can start all over again the next day... with fresh new skin for the bugs to bite on all day.


Jacks said...

WOW I think you just described my summers as a child!!

Great shots btw and ahhhhhhh thanks for bringing back the good life.

Margie @ Smiles Forever Photo said...

Beautiful photos.. The girls look like they had FUN... U too.. LOL M