Thursday, September 28, 2006

RHS varsity vs Hartford

This was the best game yet this season. Alot of great plays from both sides. This is the second game in a row this week that Rutland won....and boy were they ready for this team. Couldn't have been a better match.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Back roads of Vermont

A boring afternoon at home on a really crappy weather day. Fog and rain but that's good. Decided to turn down a road I keep saying I will, just to check things out. Lots of good places to pull over and get some silky water shots.

Monday, September 18, 2006

More boring Field Hockey....

(Clueless as to why I can only load two pictures??)

But, this ones got a good little story.

My daughter is the goalie for the Freshman High School team. This is her third year playing, first year exclusive as the goalie. This game they had tonight was against a team that has very mouthy Parents and in the past been nothing but trouble(...last year the ref had to stop the game and chase parents off the field for being sooo rude to the our kids...)anyways the final score was 1-0 in our favor. They just had to hang on to that for 10 more minutes. A foul in the cirlce causing a corner shot...which if you play hockey, you know is usually an easy score, unless you have strong defense.
So, my daughter come out of the goal just a bit to much..(to me anyways) the ball came in, she threw herself on the ground to block the ball from crossing the line. She blocked it, but about four players from the offensive line were right there desperatly trying to get the ball to cross the line. She was yelling and batting at the ball with her hands and feet...It was crazy. And of course I was angled wrong when this all took place so I didn't get that great of a shot....then again if I were out further, I might has just got fannies in the way...
Any ways, she blocked the ball, they didn't score...the ended up fouling in the corner so we got the 16 yard hit back out....I was bitting my nails....I was so proud of her !!!!

I was going back over the pictures, and noticing how closely that ref was watching her.( and of course that picture won't post..) There are rules as to howgoalies can block balls too...she can not cover the ball in any way shape or form. They are some what relaxed with this rule for high school level, but I have seen games where the goalie has gotton pently shots against them for some of this type of ground's a form of covering, or the ball just getting trapped between your legs !

Alright so there's my run down...can you tell I just love this game. Played it for years...LOVE IT !! I'm so glad she likes it and plays too :)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Take time out today

to discover your world....there's lots out there...even the small things are interesting.


The littlest one in the family.

Happiness is....

....when Mom lets you make mud pies while wearing your favorite white dress :)

When a baby wonders off...

and there is a garden near by with some tomatos left on the vines...
do you think she will eat them? Of course...and they might be a little sour, and she'll make some funny faces...but you can bet she'll still sit there and eat them :)

The Devil wears OshKosh

She is the middle child....she gets into the most trouble....she is only two....
she is the devil in OshKosh !...........and she's Daddy's little girl !!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

San Diego

Just a repost...

This is the one I was thinking actaully...

Now I don't know...I like them both...???

Friday, September 15, 2006

RHS Varsity Field Hockey !!

I just love to go watch these girls. I MISS playing was the best part of high school.

I ended up with over 200 images from the game. A ton of good ones. I really try to get more of the face expressions.

Looks like she's getting a big smack huh?

And of course all the doggies at the game...

The game field looking east towards Killington Ski Resort....I work up in those mountains. :)

Starting a New blog

So this one is continued from the beta version that has left me in such mess...
So, I'll just start a new one..

The old one..